W4NOC P25Gateway - 419762 Bridge to P25 Reflector

This page normally shows activity associated with ASL node 419762 across the Analog_Bridge-MMDVM_Bridge to TG555. It may at times be connected to 554 or 7. Asterisk-ASL and associated DADHI have been scrapped and replaced by IAX_Bridge. No Asterisk, no ASL, no DADHI or associated kernel issues. Thanks to N4IRS Steve for this ingenious piece of code. Get your copy of IAX_Bridge and eliminate the Asterisk/DADHI aggravation.

TG7 Test Reflector Dashboard, TG554 Dashboard, TG555 Dashboard, Repeater Group Home Page

SUPPORTED CODECS: G.711 A-law or G.711 µ-law! Attempts to connect with any other CODEC will fail.

Total Hits:3243

Gateway Activity
Time (UTC) Mode Callsign Target Src Dur(s) Loss BER
 14:39:23 Sep 07 P25 MMDVM TG 555Net3.80%---
 14:39:22 Sep 07 P25 W4NOC/R TG 555 LNet---------
 06:21:07 Sep 07 P25 N3GWT TG 555Net16.20%---
 06:20:58 Sep 07 P25 K1KC TG 555Net6.30%---

Local Activity
Time (UTC) Mode Callsign Target Src Dur(s)
 14:39:22 Sep 07 P25 W4NOC/R TG 555 LNet---

 Modes   DMR   YSF   NXDN   P25   D-Star   Networks   DMR Net   YSF Net   NXDN Net   P25 Net   D-Star Net 
Hardware Info
Uptime: 3 days, 8 hrs, 3 mins
CPU Load
vps1-miami 5.10.0-0.deb10.29-rt-amd64 Generic x86_64 class computer 44% 59% 0 / 0.1 / 0

W4NOC-419762ASLx TG555 Dashboard 2020-2024
Dashboard based on Pi-Star Dashboard, © Andy Taylor (MW0MWZ) and adapted to DVSwitch by SP2ONG
Provided by OpenSpeedtest.com